Friday, February 4, 2011

Febuary 4th, 2011 - Excuse this little rant...

I experienced some first hand Crossfit bashing.  So at work, there's a trainer that's been coming in to get the troops in better shape.  He's been jockeying for a sale for the past few months and he's here on a trial basis for 3 months.  Comes in 3 days a week.

Background on this guy...Highland Games competitor.  Joined Crossfit Tri Cities for 6 weeks and hated it.  He claims he had a 600lb deadlift and upon leaving Tri-Cities he had a 500lb deadlift.  Before I knew any of this information, when I first met him, he told me that he did Crossfit for quite sometime in his garage before Tri Cities even opened up.  His reasoning why Crossfit sucks is that it made him run more than 200 meters and he got weaker.

Judging upon physical attributes alone, I can tell he's not a well rounded fitness guy.  5'9, roughly 240-250lbs with a noticeable belly.  During his sales pitch he demonstrated an "inch worm" pretty much just a walkout with your hands and then walk your hands back to your feet.  He comes up out of breath.

Tries impressing me with his claimed "120 kilo" clean and jerk....whatever man.  So during his workout today which consisted of 2 rounds of "air squats, lunges, jumping lunges and jumping squats", he starts talking about how horrible my squat form is and that Crossfit "SQUATS" have fucked up my hips.

So he goes on about how stuipd Westside Barbell is and how high bar squat is the way to go.  I kindly disagree with him and inform him that I low bar squat.  Then he informs me that I won't get stronger by doing "heavy low bar squats".  I need to do "olympic squats".  Whatever that means and that the only way I'm going to get stronger legs is by doing "olympic cleans".

I was about to give this guy this business, but then we caught a fire alarm and had to leave.

I'm in no shape or form the strongest, fastest, smartest guy.  However, when you attack a person's workout regime for no reason, other than not being able to do it BS.

Is Crossfit perfect.  Of course not, but Crossfit is perfect for my fitness/lifestyle goals.  It's helped me become thinner, faster and stronger.  Do I want to have a 600+lb bench press, 800lb deadlift and have a big belly?  Nope.  I like being 185lbs.  Running a sub 25 minute 5k, a bodyweight power clean, ability to do a deadhang pullup, do box jumps like nobody's business.  As far as I'm concerned, I'm functionally fit.  Not to mention, my gut doesn't block the vision of my manhood.

His closing statement before the fire alarm was "All Crossfit people want to do is get a faster Fran time.  Fran isn't even a functional workout.  Yeah sure it's kind of impressive, but kinda pointless".

Onto today's workout...

Weighted deadhang pullups
10lbs x 5
10lbs x 5
15lbs x 5

DB Seated Press
30lb db each hand x 5
40lb db each hand x 5
55lb db each hand x 5

Front Squat
135lbs x 5
185lbs x 1
205lbs x 1

Back Squat
265lbs x 1

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