Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Tuesday, May 31st, 2011 - 10 min Amrap / Deadlift

215, 245, 275

Deadlifts felt light and fast.

10Min Amrap
8 53lb American KB swings
20 double unders
8 knees to elbows

5 rounds + 2 reps

Grip and lung burner

Monday, May 30th, 2011- 1/2 Murph

Run 800M
50 Pullups
100 Pushups
150 Squats
Run 800M

Rx'd - 23:17

OMG, did this suck. Worked the day before and came to CFWC right after work. Went to bed around 11. Woke up for a call at 12am. Back to bed by 12:45. Woke back up for another call around 1:45. Back to bed by 2:30. Woke up again for another call at 4am. Back to bed by 4:30. Woke up to go to Crossfit at 6:50. Workouts with LOTS of broken sleep are the worst.

Thursday, May 26th, 2011 - 5 rounds of as many reps

5 rounds, as many reps as possible
1 min max reps
3 burpees
5 135lb hang cleans
1 min rest

Round 1: 1 round + 5
Round 2: 1 round + 5
Round 3: 1 round + 6
Round 4: 1 round + 4
Round 5: 2 rounds