Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Wednesday, March 30th, 2011 - Ahhh... Light at the end of the tunnel

Working today...did various calisthenics with the other firemen. Worked up a mild sweat and provided moral support. Afterwards did some dynamic effort work.

DE Power Clean 8x2 on the min for 8 minutes

Strength is totally there right now.  This is the lightest 135lb power cleans has ever felt.

Got wind of the 2nd Crossfit Games WOD
9-155lb deadlifts
12 hand release pushups
15 box jumps@24"

Talk about right in my wheelhouse. Been working like crazy on pushups with a guy at work. Box jumps...I can kill'em and the weight on the deadlift is light.

I've been so hard on myself about my training since well about Aug/September 2010. I remember having a discussion with JA about how I should train for the Games. I've had a game plan and for the most part Ive stuck to it. I knew I needed to get stronger, so I got stronger and put on some weight and body fat. Sure my cardio sucked but it's improving quickly. Didn't have HSPU's last fall...guess what? I got'em now.

It's ironic just the other day an article came out about Grahm Holmburg winner of the 2010 Croasfit games. He pretty much followed a similar style of training. He didn't murder the first WOD because he plans on being in peak condition during the finals of the Crossfit Games.

I knew I needed to peak right around April.  Well, I've laid back on the strength work, upped the metcons and controlled my food portions and it's all coming together.  Bodyweight has been as high as 196.7lbs in 2011 and last night it was down to 189lbs.  The plan is to be right around 183-180lbs the next few weeks.  Big thanks and shoutouts to CFWC...I've learned alot about diet over the last year.

Very pleased right now with the results of my training.  It's been alot of hardwork despite some serious injuries.  Looking forward to competing for the remaining 5 weeks.

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