Yesterday, would have been 56 days in a row of squatting at least 250lbs. Went to day 2 of the Crossfit Football Seminar. Left there and went into work to finish the remaining 16 hours of duty. Ran a fire call and came back to the station. I'm not sure if I would label it as a migraine, but it was the worst head pain I've ever felt.
Needless to say, Back Squat Day 56 never happen. Reflections on the back squat project. I got stronger, put on some muscle mass and ate like a viking. I took my body fat% at CFWC on Friday and it read 18%. Not sure how accurate it is, but any body fat% scale has never read that low on me. So in essence, I gained about 12-14lbs overall and my body fat % lowered.
I didn't do a whole lot of conditioning work during this period. What I noticed with my metcons is, the weights so far haven't felt challenging in the least bit.
95lb OHS/SDHP weren't challenging and they shouldn't be for any grown ass man. Doing them in 21-15-9 is a different story. I feel in the next few weeks as my metcons slightly increase, my times will drop significantly.
Crossfit Football pointed out some amazing stuff. Some of it wasn't earth shattering though, because Johnny awesome's line of thinking/training format is much in line with what Crossfit Football does. Not sure if he realizes it or not, but JA has been an amazing trainer in the year that I've known him. Conditioning is somewhat of a by-product of Strength. Conditioning is easy to come by. Strength is what so many people are confused by and takes them forever to achieve. Some of these people never achieve it and continue to be 170lb weaklings. I say that tongue in cheek, its not like I'm even remotely strong. There's plenty of chicks out there squatting what I deadlift. I am making an attempt to put up serious weight numbers behind my name though.
Bigger, Stronger, Faster athlethes will always prevail and that's a given. If you want to be bigger, faster and stronger you need to eat like it.
Some people will disagree, but there is no way in hell I'm following Zone and I never will. My intention has never been to "cut weight". I have to tell you I feel alot stronger sitting at 192lbs vs. 178lbs. It's a world of difference and I sure as hell don't feel slower.
Notes about metcons and getting stronger. If you're doing Metcon after metcon you need to replenish your carbs. Without it, you'll crash hard. Trust me...I did. Calorie restriction/zone diet is starvation. Recovery is SOOOOO essential. Most metcons involve 95lb OHS/Thrusters/SDHP/Cleans/Snatches/etc. Will you strugle with that weight if your 1RM max thruster is 135lbs. DUH! Make your 1RM 225lbs and a 95lb thruster feels easy. How do you achieve this? Stop doing 5-8 metcons a week. Back off to 2 or 3 and focus on strength. Crossfit Football's metcon is very similar to JA's Barbell club. One of CFFB's biggest philosophies is no metcon longer than 15 minutes.
Other things covered, I got some help with my Split Jerk technique and alot of change of direction and overall speed techniques. Pose running was emphasized that it's great for distance running, but not for flat out speed.
HUGE SHOUT OUTS to the fella's at Crossfit Naperville. It's where I got my start. Without those guys, I would have never found Crossfit. Thank you for the invite, it's greatly appreciated. I'm sure they will be scaling back some of their long metcons in exchange for shorter more explosive metcons. I expect big things to come out of CF Naperville in the near future and wish them the best of luck.
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