Morning is going something like this. Replaced two faulty showerheads at my house, made a Home Depot run, picked up a new miter saw blade for my 20 dollar craigslist miter saw. Made the kids breakfast and I hope to get some playstation in when the kids go down for their afternoon nap. Even managed to get in this...
Light back squat day
95lbs x 5 reps
135lbs x 5 reps
185lbs x 5 reps
Planning on doing some 90 sec rows / 24" box jumps later tonight, gotta go into work tonight for a 10p-6am shift.
So last night, I took a long hard look at my last 12 months training and dietary intake logs. Some of you might remember how I bitched and moaned about overtraining and burning out late last fall and then got injured in early Dec of 2010.
Right around early August, I made some pretty substanstial changes to my diet in my opinion. I removed avacados and replaced it with much less olive oil and removed pretty much all fruit out of my diet and for a short while beer. For fruit, my main staple was grapes...GOD I LOVE ME SOME GRAPES!!!(run on sentence...haha)
I won't place all the blame on removing those items, I have my fair share of cheat meals and I was a little shy on sleep. Come on though...who isn't short on sleep. We live in America for crying out loud, nobody gets enough rest. So carbs are thy enemy right???? I'm going to tend to disagree. Sure, carbs are thy enemy if you're eating doritos, oreos and snickers. Fuck yeah they are thy enemy!
Recently, I introduced avocados and oranges back into my diet and I'm feeling ALOT better. Like night and DAY better. For breakfast, I'll usually have 1/2 an avacodo, an entire orange and some asparagus with my eggs. Lunch same thing without the orange.
You always have to find what works best for you. I'd like to think that with my work schedule, my dietary and workout requirements are probably alot different from an individual that works 7-5/M-F. Looking at the big picture, if you're stalling in a certain area or feeling like you just aren't making progress, take a look at what's worked for you in the past.
Over the last few weeks, my stance on on training has shifted somewhat. I'm a big advocate on squatting. Squating needs to be done twice a week. John Welbourn has said it, Justin form 70's big has said and I've done it. I get much better results when I'm squating more than once a week.
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