Well, it's official! I've made the switch to following OPT's programming. After 32 months of Crossfit, I was looking for something new. Metcon after metcon after metcon just didn't cut it anymore. It's an amazing program and it's taught me so much about myself and just fitness in general.
Crossfit introduced me to new exercises and lifting techniques. I've had some great trainers and made awesome friends.
Looking forward to a new type of training of sorts. OPT differs a bit from Crossfit. OPT believes as do I, that there is training and there is testing. Much like football. There's "practice" and there's "gameday". You can't be in "gameday" mode with every single metcon. I honestly felt like I was being run into the ground.
I had been doing some workouts there were OPT-like the past couple of weeks. This weekend there was a local competition this weekend and felt amazing.
Here starts the journey to becoming an "unbroken" big dawg. I'm sure the next 32 months of training will be just as productive. On another side note, I've always been a follower of Freddy Camacho's One World Blog. That's one cool guy and lately his blog has just really hit home. Thus, solidifying my transfer to OPT.
I'm in the process of starting up a landscaping company as well. Looking forward to getting some kickass workouts in my garage, alone. 2 OPT workouts down...many, many, many more to come.
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